Cuyahoga County is the place where we operate.
That is why, a couple of years ago, we have stumbled across this great website:
For everyone looking to buy or rent a house in the Cuyahoga County this site can become extremely useful.
At our company is one of the first web addresses in the Bookmark folder.
It’s a public site rich of interesting info about every property in the county.
One can see who the owner is, when and if the property was traded, at what price, et cetera…
Basically the whole history of a property since around year 1975 or so.
It’s possible to search by three parameters:
- Owner
- Parcel
- Address
Contrary to many public sites, this one loads fast and it’s quite intuitive.
Besides the transfer history of a specific property, one can find a list of documents regarding taxes, mortgages, liens and deeds.
Just one caveat!
Although it’s updated quite frequently, it can run a couple of months late with the transfers and such, so always go straight to the source (County fiscal officer, Transfer and Recording Department) if you have any doubt or something seems not to add up.
Did you know it existed?